Watcher: PHP Session Variables Tracker
// watcher.php
// utility to display current session vars for PHP troubleshooting, with
// output a bit more organized than print_r(); to use, open new tab in
// the same browser running the application which is generating/using
// the session vars of interest; default behavior is to display all
// active session vars; a session variable prefix may be provided as a
// GET parm to display only those vars; for example,
// will retrieve and display only those vars at the topmost level which
// begin with "test_"
// output is Web page showing all matching session vars and their values;
// arrays are nested, color-coded, and recursively expanded; because the
// arrays are walked recursively, there is no practical limit on the
// levels to which the arrays may be nested (although the display may get
// funky if nested too deep); the output page is not particularly pretty,
// but this is intended only as a development tool, not a polished Web page
// note the display order is the same as the creation order; the PHP
// function ksort() could be used to make locating a specific item
// by key name easier
// Written 11/27/2010, L.Pritchett, Cliffson Solutions, LLC
// Revised 2/21/2015, L.Pritchett, Cliffson Solutions, LLC
// global constants
// colors are used in sequence, wrapping back to the first color if nesting
// exceeds the number of defined colors; colors may be added, deleted, or
// modified freely with no change in the code below; if color coding of
// each level is not desired, remove all colors but one
$aCOLORS = array ("blue", "green", "crimson", "magenta", "brown", "orange",
// indent in pixels for each array level in displayed page
define("iINDENT_DISPLAY", 20);
// indent for HTML code itself (makes for easier troubleshooting)
define("iINDENT_HTML", 2);
// functions
function fnDisplay_Var($sname, $sval, $ilevel)
// display given var/val pair; indent HTML code appropriately
// handle special cases: turn NULLs and Booleans into something printable,
// add quotes to strings
if (is_null($sval))
$sval = "NULL";
else if (is_bool($sval))
$sval = $sval ? "true" : "false";
else if (is_string($sval))
$sval = sprintf("\"%s\"", $sval);
printf("%s%s => %s\n", str_repeat(" ", $ilevel * iINDENT_HTML),
htmlspecialchars($sname), htmlspecialchars($sval));
printf("%s<br />\n", str_repeat(" ", $ilevel * iINDENT_HTML));
function fnWalk_Array($sname, $oval, $ilevel)
// recursive function to walk all elements of array and display
// each member, indenting each new level and changing the display
// color for easier tracking
global $aCOLORS;
if (is_array($oval))
// write array name at current indent level
printf("%s%s =>\n", str_repeat(" ", $ilevel * iINDENT_HTML),
// create new indented div with new text color
printf("%s<div style=\"margin-left:%dpx;color:%s;\">\n",
str_repeat(" ", $ilevel * iINDENT_HTML), iINDENT_DISPLAY,
$aCOLORS[$ilevel % count($aCOLORS)]);
// walk through all elements of array, calling this function
// recursively if any of those are also arrays
foreach ($oval as $schild_name => $ochild_val)
fnWalk_Array($schild_name, $ochild_val, $ilevel);
printf("%s</div>\n", str_repeat(" ", $ilevel * iINDENT_HTML));
// if not array, write var/val pair and end recursion
fnDisplay_Var($sname, $oval, $ilevel);
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>PHP Session Reporter</title>
<h3>Current Session Variables</h3>
// create refresh button; could be eliminated, as a browser refresh works
// just as well
printf(" <button onclick=\"document.location='%s%s'\">\n",
($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "clear=true")) ?
"?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : "");
printf(" Refresh\n");
printf(" </button>\n");
printf(" <button onclick=\"document.location='%s%s?clear=true'\">\n",
($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != "clear=true")) ?
"&" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : "");
printf(" Clear\n");
printf(" </button>\n");
<hr />
<br />
<br />
// start inline code
// if clear option selected, do that first
if (!empty($_GET['clear']))
foreach ($_SESSION as $sVar => $sVal)
if (empty($_SESSION))
printf(" No session variables are currently defined\n");
// start primary block in 1st color
printf("<div style=\"color:%s;\">\n", $aCOLORS[0]);
foreach($_SESSION as $sName => $oVal)
// if prefix specified, only display variables that match; note this
// screening is only done on 1st layer variable names, not on
// array members or their descendents
if (empty($_GET['prefix']) || (strpos($sName, $_GET['prefix']) === 0))
if (is_array($oVal))
fnWalk_Array($sName, $oVal, 0);
fnDisplay_Var($sName, $oVal, 0);